Serving the Tri-Cities from 1976 to 1984

SPI-t010 Admin menu
rev 05/18/2024 17:05


SPI Menu

SPI Public Menu

100: Full DB List

400: Contact Sheet List

130: Search

800: Documentation

You find links to 750
in 100 and 720.

720: OLD Auto Load

740: OLD Database list

760: DIR CONVERT (2023).

770: Audit issues and pages

780: Update Amazon/Kindle codes

790: Audit Database

710: Test TXT file LINE read

Directory test

FTP test

500-ERROR analysis and tests:

"Auto Load" basics to test 500 error

Force 500 (NO flush)

Error, but NO 500. (with cfFLUSH)

SPI-t010 admin menu
rev 05/18/2024 17:05

Force500.cfm rev 04/29/2022 19:36       SPORTS PAGE FORCE 0500 error       {ts '2025-01-19 20:34:11'}
SPI_Raw_list has 4 entries.
cfloop index="AITix1" from="1" to="4"
1 12-06-1976_THE BAY COUNTY SPORTS PAGE01.txt
2 12-06-1976_THE BAY COUNTY SPORTS PAGE02.txt
3 12-06-1976_THE BAY COUNTY SPORTS PAGE03.txt
4 12-06-1976_THE BAY COUNTY SPORTS PAGE24.txt

SPIuse_ListItem [2]

SPIuse_Prefix [d:/Websites/bcra-mlscom/mmcctech/SportsPage/1976-12/]
SPIuse_FileName [12-06-1976_THE BAY COUNTY SPORTS PAGE02.txt]

SPIuse_DataFile [d:/Websites/bcra-mlscom/mmcctech/SportsPage/1976-12/12-06-1976_THE BAY COUNTY SPORTS PAGE02.txt]
SPIuse_Date [12-06-1976]
SPIwk_pageStartCol [38]
SPIuse_PageNumber [02]
SPIs_Background [ background:pink; ]
SPIflag_Include [N]
SPIcondition_Include [next ->]
SPIuse_Date check again [12-06-1976]
SPI_DteWork [12-06-1976]

Start inserted tests

Next Set/b>
SPIuse_FileName [] fixed .HTML

FINAL Set/b>

SPIuse_DataFile [d:/Websites/bcra-mlscom/mmcctech/SportsPage/1976-12/12-06-1976_THE BAY COUNTY SPORTS PAGE02.txt]
Dump some iniial values
      SPIuse_Date [12-06-1976] IS date
      SPIuse_issue []

File was not found.


End right column, row and table         (in t900 rev 03/30/2024 16:16 )

t900 PUT BOX AROUND DIAGS 12/08/2023 17:17
t900 AFTER BOX around DIAGS 12/08/2023